

Midnight tam in progress–see the seduction factor? I’m telling you after all the reds, oranges, and yellows of summertime knitting this soothes my soul. The colors are real close so that I can barely tell the difference between the BC and CC but thats ok. I’m old and sure its my eyes. I certainly see the difference in the picture

I didn’t get a good picture of the Faina’s scarf FO so here are two til I lay it out upstairs and fiddle. Its late for my daily posting and just tried to get something-anything– to show you after the long time since pictures. The fringe//end portion:Image184.jpg

And one center repeat to show the scarf isnt’ wonky wide at end and narrow in center but rather a victem of poor photography: Image183.jpg
hmmm its looking wonky there too but it isn’t. I didn’t stretch block it as one normally does for lace because I used finer yarn and same needle size called for. As a historically loose knitter I can assume my guage is a bit off but I haven’t measured my scarf yet. I just washed the baby and put her in the drawer for this winter.

Ok knitfans lots to show you in the coming week; Colinette T, Highland Shawl, Alchemy yarn and the icky Tank. Woo hoo I don’t have to knit too much so that I can do show and share. Til Monday.