Silky Chic Peplum~ed Pullover

OK here she is. Late. Not too late since its officially due August 1st and today is July 7th but I had planned on mailing it out say the 5th. Anyway I received bad father news yesterday and didn’t sit down to seam til oh 4 am. Haven’t been sleeping well and nothing puts one to sleep faster than mattress st. Woke up super early this morning to hear about London from a frantic mommy…. baby sis lives in the area and often spends time there. All is well and I hope all is well with our UK knitters and their families. Well I wish all were well with everybody but newscasts assure me thats not the case. Mid afternoon the phone rang again for Great grandma illness update. Depressing enough? To chear us up~ and lets face it soothing repetive motions such as knitting calm the most worried of minds~ the slightly askew FO:


Knit on through all crisis, Elka quoting EZ duh