Tagliatelli Dreams

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A little trunk show for my readers. I have been working for Unique Kolours lately and just finished 3 items. I figured I might as well show them off before sending them back to company. The kimono, one of my WIPs from last week, is made from Tagliattelli and I am in love. Yes love. I have a love/hate relationship with handpainted yarns. I admire them in the hanks and in other people’s FO’s but I have problems working with them. Its all about how the colors pool. On 100 ish sts[a back say for a WW 40″ sweater] the colors fall differently t han they do on 40 ish sts[ a sleeve cuff] and this annoys me. NOT in other people’s knitting but in *mine* Like a split st that nobody else would ever notice it stands out as a flaw cause I notice it while knitting. Tagliatelli has overcome this irk. I love all of it. I see myself wearing a nice close fitting pullover with a high neck in it looking inexplicably thin. Thin with fuller non graying hair, clear skin being charming and witty and a deadly beauty. I do not have a youth worship since I have never been charming or witty or thin. I have had fuller non graying hair and clear skin. But I wouldn’t live through the insecurities of youth or give up my children for anything. However my children would allow this one garment to survive unscathed by prodding fingers or bodily fluids. Thats the most polite way I could think about putting it. But babies sux for nice garments. BTW very sorry for fuzzy picture– I used this as the backdrop for several other pics so you can see the loveliness from those.

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Next we have a point sweater in Giotto. Its an odd shape. Worked in one piece to armholes with decreases along front edges. When worn the fronts hang way down and the back hitches up. But I enjoy working with Giotto and I like the crispity fabric it produces.

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Lastly we have some baby stuff for Mission Falls cotton yarn. I enjoyed working with the yarn more than I expected. Generally I don’t enjoy cotton but this one zipped along. Really it has some zippity feeling as it flows through fingers. The bunting is missing a zipper. Do you notice the increases along the bottom? This shape is caused by Casting On 2 sts at beginning of several rows. When it got time to mattress st my garment together I had holes where I had increased the sts. Too much of a gap[almost half an inch] from end of last row to beginning of new row I guess. I turned to crocheting my seams together. A big first for me and I rather like it. Will be spending more time exploring it as an option. The bonus was that the stripes matched up perfectly. Sometimes when mattress stitching, even if you match up row per row, the stripes end up half a stitch off. Like the dreaded jog I think this is caused by pulling up on the working thread. Anyway next to it is yet another odd color combo[ I think the bunting has a slightly discordant color combo] for a poncho. Same yarn, same stripe pattern, same designer with same color sense. It might float other people’s boat.

OK thats it for today. Tomorrow look for my very knitterly weekend report. Yes it will be tuesday but darnit its a long weekend.