

Todays entry comes to you thanks to Michelle who wrote out the pattern for these socks. Do you read her blog? I have been doing so for a little over a year and it is a real treat. Normally I check it once a week because she is a sporadic blogger. 4 entries last month I believe. But this month she is blogging everyday. So Huzzah! By and by Huzzah! calls to mind flapper speak–don’t ask me why. Maybe because the 20’s seems to be one era where nobody spoke in English and everything was frenzied ;^> Anywho

Thanks Michelle

I Wonder


Ok you know how people get on this ab fab charital bandwagon and set up those lovely raffles to support the cause? Wendy is always adverting them. Everybody under the sun reads Wendy so I know you know what I am talking about. Since nobody took me seriously on the offhand shawl comment I am wondering if a raffle would work. Maybe it was the lace. Nobody but me likes lace I guess. yah I am self centered but darnit I don’t like knitting socks and I don’t believe in buying stuff that I *could* make better if I would just get over the whatever it is that causes me to dislike the making. Anyway I am also moving and looking over my wardrobe. One thing that hasn’t fit in a long assed time is this:Image82.jpg
Truth be told I think I wore it all of 3 or 4 times cause I got preggers the summer after finishing it. And I seem to recall finishing it in spring. I never did bother losing any weight post pregnancy. Every once in while I contemplate selling it on ebay which would be an insult to my work. Nobody pays enough to cover the cost of materials on ebay. Forget the work part. And I keep offering it to other knitters and they say OMG no I couldnt’ just take it. No matter how sincere I am in the I want somebody who appreciates it to have it and really freeeeeeeeeee to good home people think I am joking. So a raffle might work? Lets see what I can remember about this sweater. My tape measure has been misplaced think it is 50″ round. Maybe 48″ and done in Dale Heilo in colors called for way back in Knitters #13 unless my mind is totally gone. Some detail shots:

This is the lower border. I think I picked up my CO stitches and then tacked it down on inside. I also was stranding not weaving in ends so we have floats. Here’s a picture of the inside:Image85.jpg The neckline and armholes are cut. The neckline is actually shaped via cutting instead of decreasing along a steek. I also ran out of one of the colors which is why the hem is striped. Oh and the top pattern is 3 colors:Image84.jpg
I ended up working those rows 3 times since I couldn’t maintain gauge any other way. You know[and consider this the handy dandy knitting tip of week] take least used color and knit those stitches slipping all other then go over row again using 2nd most used color and slipping others then again with most used color. Anyway according to sitemeter 50 people read this blog. Not all of you are knitters cause I know some nonknitters who pop in on a regular basis. But for the knitters even if 5 of you think knitting a pair of socks in exchange for a shot at this sweater my feet will be hooked up. I may even pay for the damned sock yarn.

Easter Weekend Report

Not much knitting this past weekend but a teensy bit. I got out of the habit of doing anything *sigh* Above you see the not so secret project and a sock made out of Cherry Tree Hill colorway Tropical Storm. I am using Michelle’s Basic Sock Pattern. I really wasn’t planning on showing you the design but I am rather pleased. What do you think? And since I am trying to make the little bit of knitting I did last week look like a lot here’s another picture of the sock which is more true to color-at least per my moniter:cherrytreehillsock.jpg

Have a great day you alls.