
siberian winter center.jpg

My darlingest upgraded my computer this weekend and didn’t get it up again til 1 am! So two days worth of stuff combined. Above you see the center of Siberian Winter Shawl designed by the Wool You Order aka Two Old Bags design team. I purchased my kit fromCatherine Knits in NY but you can find the patterns and kits at Blackberry Ridge. The center strikes me as the same one they use in ‘Faux Orenberg Shawl’ in Gathering Of Lace but I haven’t actually compared the charts. Want more pics?
The edging:
siberian winter edge.jpg
The Full Shawl[kinda]:
siberian winter.jpg
Again not the worlds best blocking job but eh–I do have a baby so time is at a premium. Also this weekend I worked on my sock. Thank heavens it wasn’t stained by the coke incident. Big overexposed pic:
turned heel.jpg
Now what am I trying to show you in this picture other than my nifty marker and extra shawl shot? Well its a very elegant heel turning with the ‘heel st’ turning to flow down onto bottom of sock. But whats this? Is that my finger filling up the heel? Why yes thank you for noticing. I measured it and the base of the heel, the bottom part at least, is not quite an inch accross. Now I know my feet are wide but does anybody in the world have a heel that measures less than an inch accross? I seem to recall knitting booties, not so long ago, that were that wide accross bottom at heel area. My gauge is right on–9spi so its not that and I quadrupal checked the written instructions. So my big questions are, should any sock knitting pros be checking in; Why knit a special reinforcing stitch at heel area if your gonna stretch it out the wazoo just to cup the heel?, Surely the heel flap post turning is supposed to cup the heel–right?, and lastly Who wants to whimper rip so that I can do my handy dandy short row heel?

Have a great one you guys.