another FO

Last Friday I gave up on finding my chibis and purchased a new improved chibi. Instead of finishing the Silky Chic jobbie I completed the Point Five thingie. After seaming that baby up I sat down for the Silky Chic sewing up. Man how I hate seaming Silky Chic! I personally think all garments made out of eyelash yarn should be done in the round. I am so disliking seaming the Silky Chic I started on the Giotto sweater. I am giving myself until 5:59CST to sew up the last seam so that I can FedEx the first 3 sweaters sent to me outta here. I am a master procrastinator… Anyway here is the Point 5 cardigan again sized for a 4/5 year old. 4 balls people. 4! For a 4 year old. Well its not a lotta yarn but at $30 a pop its a lotta mulah. I was thinking on this last night BTW. $120 is a lot for a little 4 year old’s garment but then I have spent that much on shetland yarn for Ashley’s Reef. 
There is just some part of me that thinks months of knitting a shetland garment which will theoretically last for generations is worth the cash but a quickie project [done in @24hrs] that may not survive a wearing much less a washing isn’t. Still a frugal heart I guess…. OK enough tangents and on with the picture already:


OK I am off to Memphis area this weekend so I wont be posting on Friday and probably not on Monday. I will try to show you the Silky Chic thingie tomorrow. BTW I do love the fabric produced by the yarn just not the knitting and seaming of the stuff…. Great yarny day and knitterly evening to all