Salvaging Knits

Everyday Luxury Eek

Everyday Luxury Eek


According to my Ravelry notes I knit this project, Everyday Luxury designed by ‘Rag Lana’, in 2009 out of two shades of Rowan Kidsilk Haze.  I actually love this and it is blue black although I doubt you can tell from the photo.  All you can really tell from the photo is I made a mess on it.  Last post I showed you several projects as a backdrop to the lovely Midnight Tam by Sandy Blue.  You may have gathered that I am pulling out all my woollies and washing prior to frigid weather and way down there, in a bin at foot of closet, were my lacy shawls and too small for my children sweaters and extra special kid mohair type of scarves.  The not woolly woollies if you will.  And they are all covered with: nail polish and shattered glass.  An accident from earlier in the year where I knocked over a nail polish bottle off a shelf and I *thought* I had gathered all the items and cleaned them properly.  Most apparently not.  I hesitate to take my nail polish remover to the items since that bleached the not so precious cloth bags that were in bin over the knitted goods…. ( I use wire mesh bins ).  This particular piece, being mohair, is easier to fix than others since mohair fluff can be cut or pulled away a bit but my Highland Triangle Shawl knit out of long gone Sajama Alpaca in the loveliest blue and a regular winter comfort, and Inky-Dinky Spider Stole also look to need de-polishing.

I am feeling slightly gutted over here mainly because I so rarely keep my hand knits for myself.  Other than the tams, recently pictured, and the requisite number of socks to get me by between washings I honestly can say these are the bulk of what I have to show for almost 40 yrs of knitting.  I believe there is a pair of mittens and beaded cuffs in there as well.

On the knitting front I am working on my beloved’s annual Christmas socks although it is decidedly harder to sneak in the hours to do so this year. Work plus him being around me while I am not at work have combined to make finishing the pair difficult.  I hope to finish them this weekend. Next up a pair of arm warmers are in my mental queue and then another shawl…. maybe.  I am in need of a sweater more than a shawl unless the two mentioned above are hopelessly ruined.

yarny days and knitterly evenings
