Love Bites Swap Arrived

I received a lovely package today from Ravelry user misscitah who blogs at Craft More  That girl is super crafty.  I am always envious of people who can do things other than knit.  I had to stop buying Piecework because all the easy peasy intro to projects thwarted me.  I cannot sew.  I cannot crochet.  I cannot dye yarn.  I cannot spin yarn.  Well I can spin a little bit but I don’t have much control over the finished yarn.  My hands just do fingering to sport weight yarn and that is it.  I cannot paint or draw or anything like that.  No instruments played and no music reading going on.  Really I am a one trick pony.  It’s a nice trick and I love being a knitter but still sometimes I look at other people’s projects and think I could do that.  But I cannot.

Here are pictures of my spoils:

Chocolate-nom! On top of lovely packages of mystery

Chocolate-nom! On top of lovely packages of mystery

I really liked that she did each package individually.  It was so nice to unwrap one after the other.  I felt like a child during Christmas

A bottle for decorating the yarn shelves

In keeping with the Love Bites theme she sent me a lovely bottle with a nice label about vampires on it.  I think it is super adorables.  I rarely decorate the house with seasonal decor but this one is being put out and will probably stay out for ever.

Maple Floss

Maple Floss

Did anybody else know Maple Floss is a thing?  I have never heard of it.  My husband loves Maple Syrup and asked for a nibble but I was greedy and inhaled the whole cupful all at once.  It was delicious.

Hazelnut Coffee

Hazelnut Coffee

Speaking of being greedy I only drink Hazelnut Coffee and I am wondering how she knew this.  I am not joking.  I dislike coffee–the smell gives me headaches.  The one exception is Hazelnut Coffee.  Every once in a while I will purchase myself a bag of hazelnut coffee and then scowl that it is all gone when I feel like a cup o joe.  This is a small box and I can squirrel it away in my dresser.  YaY

a lovely cowl

a lovely cowl

She made me a cowl.  I love the color.  And the yarn is super soft.  She wrote a card about the yarn she sent {pictured next} saying it was in a plastic bag because she is allergic to wool.  I wonder what this is made of?  I don’t think I have ever knit with synthetics unless it was a novelty eyelash type of yarn so I am being blown away by how nice this feels.  I know that sounds a bit rude and I don’t mean it that way.  I remember picking up knitting *again* around the age of 20.  The first issue of Knitters Magazine wasn’t quite out yet.  The yarn shop I had stepped into suggested Knitting Without Tears and the whole washing a baby in a machine, or was it sneaking wool into garments bit by bit to combat ‘allergies’, stuck with me.  BTW my sister is horribly allergic to animal fibers.  Welts and bumpy rashes so I am not saying that wool allergies are non existent it is just I started knitting for real with authors and magazines that were very wool centric and I didn’t really believe that people had to avoid wool until my sister came along….  She is 16 yrs my junior and grew up in FL so it wasn’t until she was an adult living in the UK that this came to light.  Anyway my secret prejudice against synthetics has been blown.  Blown.

Oh and it is, of course, super nice to have anybody knit me anything seeing as that doesn’t happen.  I don’t think I have had a knitted by anybody else anything since the last swap I joined in blog land many moons ago.  So full of win to have something knit for me.

Lang Mille Colours yarn

Lang Mille Colours yarn

Really pretty.  I am excited to see how this will knit up!  I think the blues and greens are tropical looking here and my goodness I just spent my first morning scraping ice off my windows so this is a sight.

Okay as if all that wasn’t awesome enough here is the cuteness:



She made these.   I realize it is paint and sticky things but really?  I would never have thought of it.  I LOVE these.

Okay now I am off to eat chocolate and decide where to arrange my new decorative things.


yarny days and knitterly evenings