More Yarn Porn and Why I Don’t Get Involved With Schoolwork

Riddle me this:

It costs 75cents to go to the pool. You would like to take some friends to the pool. You have saved $9.75. How many friends can you take to the pool? While you think about the answer gratuitis yarn porn:


Ah Tagliatti. From my Tagliatti dreams last year. No not last years yarn but my giftie to myself to fufill my Tagliatti Dreams. I asked for it last year and it finally arrived~ asked as in ordered. Just the thing to pick me up after the wretched last week.

OK have you thought hard on the riddle? The teacher says the answer is 13. Elka insists the answer is 12. Of course 9.75/75=13 but your not gonna pay for your friends to get in and have pool fun and watch from outside the gates are you? And the question said how many friends not how many people total including yourself. I live by the supposition that the reason a math problem is presented in word form is to be trickity instead of strait forward[9.75/13=? is straitforward] This is why my kid’s teachers either hate me or think I am a moron and its a miracle my kids know anything. I don’t know which sentiment it is but I am sure its one of those two.