
Ah so I took the advice of my commenters last week and took a time out. After all my readers are particularly clever gals and I would be foolish to ignore them. No work for me last weekend but rather a break for Tea. Shetland Tea Shawl to be exact. I finished the second lace portion and did my final increase round. Up to 574sts per round which means a mere 27,552 or 48,216 sts more until edging portion. Hmmmmmmm I wonder if I will feel up to the larger size which I suspect I want. No matter here is a picture of the second lace portion really poorly stretched out cause I wasn’t gonna risk loosing any sts and had to hold it with one hand and photograph with the other:


/Question and Answer time~ I was asked if Stonington could be knit as a triangle. Why yes it could. I would make a few changes most specifically to work a few plain rounds after creating the center triangle to finish that edge up. If I were feeling ambitious I would even calculate to make sure I could attach my edging to top, including the side of borders, by doing math. I was also asked if I purchased yarn. Why yes I did. Some loverly {at least I expect it to be loverly} coned yarn from one of my favorite ebay sellers. No I am not sharing her name cause I cannot afford the bidding wars that are already in place and don’t need more fans fighting me for her stuff. Over the past ummm jeesh I think its been 4 or 5 years I have only managed to win the wars on 5 items including this time. And I try all the time really. I won 2lbs 15 oz of yarn {thats the cones stuff there is another 400 gms or 7 oz in hanks} I will make sure to show you the second I receive it. Why do I love this gals yarn so much? Its fine. NO not fine with all the winx but fine. Hey here is a pix of some of her stuff I already own: Image332.jpg
The fine gray strand is silk and kid mohair and my last purchase of last year. Yah I held out on you guys. The white strand is silk and cashmere. The thicker gray strand is put in there for comparisons sake~ its shetland laceweight yarn from J&S. I’m stocking up for the lace book that is due out soon please by Bridget Rorem. I preordered mine last summer from Schoolhouse Press.

Yay it was Amy who is knitting the loverly Coquette. I have been popping into her site via the referers page of site meter and enjoying her blog immensely for the past month~ she is now bookmarked. I sent a pkg out to Miss Steph for correctly identifying the blogger and leave it up to her to show you what she gets.

Toodles fellow knitters…. have a great yarny day and knitterly evening