
Despite my recent knitting apathy I decided to just buckle down and complete my mitts. This is the first project from the book I haven’t been 100% pleased with and that may be due to the apathy. The problem is that the loop stitch has a different looser gauge than the garter and so the mitts flare out over the finger portion. As you may recall I started these in lieu of some fingerless gloves I had seen in Weekend Knitting. Since I wanted something close at fingers a flare is harrumph but then all mitts have the same problem from what I have seen. Here is the mitt not yet bound off together[no sewing woo hoo!]:
Apologies for glare and fuzzy picture. I took it last night before finishing it. Still it is clear enough that the left portion of the picture has deaper grooves than the rest. Thats 3 sts looped! Here is another, clearer picture showing the flare at top of mitt:

The reason the mitts are frivolous is basically its impossible to knit wearing them. Trust me I have tried. I kept piercing a loop with my needle which just will not do. And courtesy of the lovely Ms Ashley some pictures of my hands:
ooooooooooo so femme ;^> Who needs frou frou yarn when one can loop stitch? The looseness at tops can be fixed by short rowing just before the loop stitch ummm 6 times on my hand or maybe elastic or even I forget what its called when you sew between stitches –it’s a mitten thing I will look it up sometime if you have to know. But why fix it when you can do this:

Ah yes the convertable fingerless mitts/muffette. Life is good after all…

Have a great yarny weekend!