Retro Prep and Some Toasty toasts

One of the many projects I mentioned rounding up last month was Retro Prep  that I had started in ’12.  Really it was shameful I hadn’t finished it since I love the yarn, it was plain st st easy peasy knitting, and I was at the raglan decreases for yoke by time I set it aside.  Unfortunately I have gained so much weight in past year and half that I cannot wear it without looking terrible.  I have been watching my calories this year and now have a toasty sweater to fit into next winter.  My first hand knit sweater for myself in so long I cannot remember and my only one in my possession.

Let the year of selfish knitting begin.  Unfortunately the Rowan Harris DK made my camera go crazy.  But here is a nice blurry photo:

retro prep

Also I joined a shotgun swap on the bpal forum for lupercalia and I decided to knit my recipient a pair of toasts.  I modified the pattern just a smidge by adding 2 stitches to the circumference.  This was so I could add in a wave pattern found in A Shetland Knitter’s Pattern Book.  The main yarn is some long discontinued Classic Elite Maya with a few yards of Brown Sheep worsted for the wave pattern.  I really like how the mohair picks up the light and glistens like droplets of water in the sun.  Score one for me!:


FWIW I do have a better picture of the yarn in sweater but alas it is the backdrop to some secret squirrel knitting.  So if you are on Ravelry and feel like peeking at my projects you can see tweedy goodness there

yarny days and knitterly evenings, elka

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