Birita Update #1

I started ball #3 last night and just completed lace charted row 72/94. I am hoping to finish the chart by end of the month. Right now it doesn’t look like much. The thick and thin nature of the Einband yarn has it looking sloppy. At least I hope it is the combination of yarn and unblocked lace that is keeping if from looking lovely. I am using bamboo needles so that, in combination with knitting rate goal, is keeping me from doing a wet block. The one bonus of doing lace with a thick and think yarn however is that when I spit splice the thicker than usual portion is similar to what the yarn does on it’s own.

I still am unable to visualize how this shawl will take shape. I know that the finished shape of the shawl is going to be… the infamous Angel Wings shape which supposedly helps the shawl stay on one’s shoulders. Personally I prefer rectangles to squares or triangular. Circles are not my favorite shape either to wear or block. But I have been itching to knit some lace and this one is more for curiosity than covetousness. I think my favorite shawls are Orenberg because I like the geometry but Shetland motifs are also really lovely. This one has the geometric shapes but is not a lot of openwork.

On the topic of blocking Sharon Miller has just released a book on blocking called Dressings Matters and you can find it on her Etsy shop. It should show up on front page but it is also under the ‘Patterns’ tab. I purchased my copy upon release and, at the time, she had 4 different listings but currently there are only two-the book and ebook bundle or ebook on its own. I realized, when I purchased it, that I haven’t knit a single pattern of hers although I have been purchasing them from her since the beginning. I own copy #109/250 of the original Princess release. Sharon signed and dated it 2002 which is the copyright date of the design. Even if I don’t knit any of the patterns I am happy to support lace designers. There are a few Shetland lace designers who fall into the I buy the patterns but haven’t knit them.

I had to actually weigh the purchase this time as we are at the beginning of a Discardian Season. I also have another planned purchase for this week. My husband, who caught me being aghast that I book set I had my eyes on was having the remainders released during Discardia, told me to go ahead and not feel badly about the purchase. I have been waiting since May for the remainders to be offered to general public. Fingers crossed my ninja fingers manage to snag a set. Currently I am considering a stash down for Q4 to make up for the book purchases. I also ordered some yarn, prior to Discardia starting, for a gift swap I am doing.

yarny days and knitterly evenings~Elka