YOP#10 Week 6

I missed last week–argh! I kept thinking I am going to post *later* and then never did. There wasn’t much to report. The test knitting was due on Tuesday and I am not quite done. I did start a week later and rip out multiple times and still give my color work the side eye…. which angers my husband. He has assured me many times, as have you, that the colors look good together. There is just a niggle that something is slightly off.

Anyway I am finished with the body to underarms, done with the back and onto the front post underarms and just eyeball it instead of knitting. I want to rip back and flip colors around. :-(. Pattern releases on 11th. It is a beautiful sweater with a well written pattern.

Last weekend my husband assembled my Kallax cubby system and now I need to organize. Sadly no purple bins at my Ikea. Since I had the wall free I went with the largest available size. I cannot reach the top of the unit so no dusting for me.. evil plans and all to avoid housework. Yarn organization obviously does not count as housework.

It is tax free weekend here so I must avoid stores at all costs. Schools have been delayed for my kiddo so I don’t have a list and there is no reason for me to face the throngs. There are always throngs this weekend. Electronics, school supplies, clothing and shoes are automatically less due to no state, and in some cases municipal, taxes and the shops typically run sales so that you choose their store over another. .03 cent notebooks have had me walking into places I normally avoid in the past. I don’t even want to shop for groceries. I did however offer to shop for my Tyler who is settling into his new apartment but he assures me he needs nothing.

And that is how my last two weeks have gone and where I am right now. Facing a blank canvas to fill up with colorful yarns, no plans on additional shopping, and resisting the urge to restart a sweater that is TBH at completions edge.

OH! That reminds me–I am thinking that perhaps the reason I am incapable of finishing a sweater for myself in less than a few years is that I don’t knit sweaters for myself? Like I angst over is it perfect. Maybe I should just knit myself sweaters instead of anything else and see if I am right about this slowing down near end mentality. I am wondering do other people do the same? If you normally do not knit shawls or socks or mittens or what not do you find yourself second guessing yourself throughout the process and then dragging your heels to put in in the FO pile? And by dragging, to be clear, wanting to redo instead of not wanting the process to be over I am ready to be done with the stocking stitch. Thoughts?

yarny days and knitterly evenings


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