Belated Weekend Report

These weekend reports would be more interesting if I had weekday reports I guess.  Back when I started doing them I was blogging nearly every day except for Sat and Sun so the Mon was a ketchup sort of post.  Oh well I will be pleased if I manage to blog twice a month.  Hey so I was actually thinking of going all old school and keeping a knitting diary.  On paper!  And then figured blogs were old school enough ever since Ravelry became the fabulous database that it is.  Really it is such an invaluable tool for discovering new patterns and getting notes.  Much more encompassing than following a dozen or so blogs ever could be.  But I do miss getting to know bloggers so the platform not really being widespread makes me a bit sad.  Hence me trying to be old school.

Anyway I had a very productive week and day.  I finished Rock Island on Thursday and immediately wound my yarn for Neep Heid by the fabulous Kate Davies.  I blocked Rock Island on Friday and unpinned it Saturday in time to take it to the Greater St Louis Knitters Guild meeting but didn’t because I wasn’t sure I would stay the full 2 hours for show and share.  I might take it next month to show off.  You, lucky readers, get to see tons of pictures.  Anyway I worked on my Neep Heid during guild meeting and finished the actual knitting yesterday.  I took it with me to the middle child’s dental appointment and was horrified, while weaving in the zillion and one ends to find some stitches just hanging out.  I have no clue how that happened.  AND I cast on for some Endpaper Mitts.

So are you ready for lots of pictures?  First the Neep Heid mess shots {innards and outer}:

Neep Heid innards

Neep Heid innards


the innards.  I could have tried splicing the colors but that seemed rather tight with sometimes no stitches between the last color and new one.  I also could have just carried the colors up along the inside but I wanted to try and eliminate the jog without doing all that knit in row below first stitch stuff.  The hat is gorgeous and I am hoping my innards end up looking presentable in the end

just a few stitches hanging out....

just a few stitches hanging out….

I have no clue how this possibly could have happened.  I mean I had the proper number of stitches at end for my i-cord and everything.  Best I can figure is that somehow I pulled out the tail through the stitches on inside but I haven’t messed with the top portion yet.  I plan on undoing my i-cord and tinking back however many rows it takes me to get to where that is.  I think we are at the last 2 rows of chart?  I haven’t looked too closely yet because I was so traumatized when I noticed it.  After having turned the hat inside and out several times over and being on the road no less.  But see how pretty it is otherwise?  Yeah baby.

Rock Island draped over TV for black backdrop.

Rock Island draped over TV for black backdrop.

For some reason the holes look kinda big on the left.  Oi.  They aren’t in person.  Note the lovely gate for adorable grandson in background.

Rock Island folded over itself

Rock Island folded over itself

I love this.  I, as usual, suffer from blocking fail.  I didn’t bother to measure out the distance between points and used wires.  The poor shawl was practically dry before I was finished laying it out.  I adore how the yarn, Classic Elite’s Silky Lace, gives it a slight heathered look.  The silk took the dye differently than the alpaca and if you are able to blow this up you an see the glorious little glints of silkiness in there.  It gives it a nice rustic look.  LOVE

obligatory over a lamp shot to further illustrate gauziness

obligatory over a lamp shot to further illustrate gauziness


caption says it all.  While knitting I did note that the centered decrease was looser on the right side than on the left side.  I either took this picture from WS of shawl OR I overcompensated during blocking.  Thankfully EZ has proven to be correct when she wrote that time is a great stitch leveler.  I expect this to look stellar after a couple of washings. ^;..;^  YaY

slightly crumpled Rock Island

slightly crumpled Rock Island

Gah it is so pretty.  Also despite being disappointed by how little yarn the project took I am so happy I went with alpaca.  It totally stretched out to a satisfactory size without my putting any real stress on it.  Huzzah for stretchy alpaca and its amazing lack of bounce back.  More love for my yarn choice.

Rock Island over the wheel

Rock Island over the wheel

Another favorite shot.  I am always trying to be a better photographer of knits and yarns.  Not trying to the point of taking classes or anything but you know~ trying to be interesting and clear.  Even through double layers it is still sheer.

artsy wrought iron Rock Island shot taken outside

artsy wrought iron Rock Island shot taken outside

see aiming for interesting….

So a few details are in order?  The pattern was a gift but I purchased the yarn used in sample in April ’11 for my birthday pressie to self.  The yarn called for is Lorna’s Laces Helens Lace and comes in 1250 yd hanks.  Very generous considering I only used 528 yds of the lovely Classic Elite Silky Lace yarn.  I am most pleased that I changed the yarn.  The alpaca fills in the holes a wee bit and the whole shawl is less crunchy than Helens Lace would have been.  Mind you I like Helen’s Lace as much as the next person and really like the color pictured as well.


yarny days and knitterly evenings




It’s here it’s here it’s here it’s here it’s here


Do you wanna know how totally sweet and adorable Miss Toni is? She is this sweet: So I loaned her some magazines to fuel her doily fixation and she sent me two Fiddlesticks patterns and the cutest little ceramic tiles/magnets you could ever imagine. Hey and do you see how she crossed out the price of the patterns as if I hadn’t sent her a link to exactly which patterns I most coveted? Just in case she really insisted on purchasing me something for loaning her a few magazines. Which I did assure her was totally unnecessary. Well I have been sitting on these for a few weeks and today I get the shetland cobweb yarn I ordered from J&S. On super sale click the stock clearance button for bargain of the century. Retail therapy does work sometimes ;^>

In knitting news I started another shawl. This one is Sharon’s hap shawl. My friend Liz gifted me with the kit for the holidays last year and it is just so perfect right now~ not as bulky as the almost done STT and not as chart intensive as Spiderweb. Retail therapy again~~ I purchased the newest HK offering: Shetland Lace Wedding Ring Shawl. Did you know that it costs as much as if not more than the book did when it came out? For some reason I think HK cost $40 when it was originally published but it is now listed at $55 is that right? The shawl came out to $50 can you believe that? When oh when will our economy improve…

OK off for today. Yarny days and knitterly evening