Stonington Pictures

As promised pictures of my blocked shawl. First let me begin by mentioning I got gauge but stretched the bejeebers out of it. It literally stood off the bed it was so taunt. The finished measurements are supposed to be 54″ square and I got 60″ squared. I had to stand on the couch, OK a book on the couch, to get the full view of it on screen:


I originally had not planned on blocking this baby mainly because I really enjoyed the hand of fabric I was producing. Thank the non mitered corners for creating this practically see through despite being almost all garter even when doubled shawl:


The no big woo haw is my grafting in pattern at corner. The instructions call for working the full 18 rows of edging and then grafting in garter but I chose to work 17 rows of edging and trying to work 18th and graft at same time. Like I said no big woo haw but not something I do so even tho its not great I am overly pleased in myself. Here is the corner and you can clearly see that the YO’s an shawl side of diamond have a jog:


The fabulous Miss Marti mentioned yesterday wanting to knit this shawl. I think its an excellent shawl to create mainly because of its construction details. You know when you are knitting shawls it gets real tedious or time consuming as you progress. At least that is the way it seems to me. I usually am ‘will it ever end?’ This one was made up of several bite sized chunks. We started with a few sts{1 to be exact} and increased to form a triangle. Typical. But as soon as the rows started to get to that ugh long point it was time to start decreasing. Yipiee Skipiee. When I finished my diamond I set aside the shawl to do some work stuff and piddle because, historically speaking, the borders are extreemly long and I wasn’t looking forward to that part. But here it was just a 1/4 of the border at a time and only 20 ridges! I already spoke about how mind numbing edgings can be and I do admit I made a few mistakes cause I was on auto pilot but still fast fast. All told it took me 4 days to do the center diamond, 2 days{max} per border side and 2 days{max} per edging side. Yes I did whip some borders and some edging sides out in a day. Not saying a person with a real life can do so~ or that I am particularly fast for that matter I was just inspired by the project and the ability to form logical stopping points~ but it is certainly a shawl one can fit into the knitting schedule.

OK thanks for letting me brag fest. TTFN and many knitterly hours to you!